Saturday, December 27, 2008
قتل الشعب الفلسطيني بين سندان الاجرام الصهيوني ومطرقة تعاون وتواطؤ النضام العربي الرسمي
يا أيها "الزعماء"العرب ..لقد خدلتوا وحقرتوا أنفسكم لقد حان الأون لكلم أن ترحلوا من بلداننا،لقد خزيتونا على موقفكم المتواطء والمخزي،، إالقتل والاجرام الاأسرائيلي على قدم وساق في غزه وأنتم تهللون وترقصون وتقدمون الهدايا الثمينه الى زعماء ال صهيون، فكوا عنا ومع القلعه وبدون رجعه
Friday, December 26, 2008
قضايا و حلول : هل هناك بديلا للنظام الملكي الهاشمي في ألأردن
من قلم : شادي الاسمر
ألإجابة المقتصرة على هذا السؤال طبعا هناك بديل . و بكل صراحة اكثر من بديل عادل و منطقي . فغالبية الشعب تريد تمثيلا حقيقيا في الحياة السياسية. و صوتا مسموعا للمواطن مهما كان أصله و فصله. ففي نهاية المطاف نريد خدمة الوطن و المواطن و ليس بلضروري خدمة أشخاص و عائلات تعد على الاصابع. الوطن يجب ان يكون اكبر من أي شخص بما في ذلك الملك . الوطن يجب أن يكون للعائلة الوطنية الاردنية وليس وطن العائلة الهاشمية فقط
يجب علينا تأسيس برلمان يتكلم بسم الشعب و يتكون من خلال إنتخابات حقيقية غير مزيفة. و ليس دارا للبصم الملكي الهاشمي. لذا يجب إلغاء البرلمان الاردني كما هو متعارف عليه حاليا و البداية من صفحة جديدة . فمجلس الاعيان مثلا يتم تعيين افراده من قيبل الملك و يتكلم بصوت شخص واحد
إقتراحى هو برلمان جديد يتكون من ثلاثة مجالس
مجلس الامة : يتكون من ثلاثة اعضاء لكل محافظة . فمحافظة إربد لها ثلاثة اعضاء, و المفرق ايضا ثلاثة ... الخ . فكل منطقة لها من يمثلها بغض النظر على التعداد السكاني
مجلس الشعب : يتكون بناءً على التعداد السكاني لكل محافظة. على سبيل المثال عضو واحد عن كل مئة الف شخص . فعمان مثلا تزدحم بسكان اكثر من المفرق , لذا يمثلها عدد اكبر من الاصوات في المجلس مقارنة بلمفرق التي يقل عدد سكانها عن عمان
المجلس التشريعي : ايضا إنتخابات القضاة بناءً على تمثيل شامل على نطاق الدولة و ليس على نطاق المحافظات المحلي
رئيس الحكومة : تصويت شامل إما شعبي عام على نطاق الوطن كاملا و إما من قيبل مجلس الامة اولا ثم موافقة مجلس الشعب و اخيرا موافقة المجلس التشريعي
السلطة العسكرية يجب أن تفصل عن السلطات السياسية فلا يحق مثلا للعساكر التدخل في شؤون السياسة. رئيس الحكومة هو القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحة و يجب عليه الحصول على موافقة السلطات السياسية الاخرى في إتخاذ القرارات. فمثلا يجب موافقة الامة و الشعب على شن الحروب و عقد إتفاقيات سلام
فصل سياسة المدن و البلديات المحلية عن السياسة الوطنية العامة . فإنتخاب رئيس بلدية او محافظ مثلا يتم على الإطار المحلي و لا يتعلق بإرشادات من العاصمة و الحكومة الوطنية
رواتب و معاشات جميع أفراد المجالس و الحكومة يجب ان تكون معروفة علنا . و اي محاولة لرفعها يجب أن يتم عبر تصويت شعبي عام في أعوام الانتخابات . و يجب فصل اعمال او بزنس افراد الحكومة عن اعمالهم الحكومية و الا فهو خرق للقانون و يجب محاكمته بأشد العقوبات
لا يحق لزوجات و افراد عائلة رئيس الحكومة و البرلمان التدخل في إصدار القوانيين كما هو الحال مع رانيا زوجة الملك مثلا . فهم ليسو حكومة بل أفراد و مواطنيين كبقية الشعب
هذا هو احد إقتراحاتي كبديل للنظام الهاشمي في الاردن . لكنني افضل بديلا كهذا النمط على الساحة العربية كلها و ليس فقط على الساحة الاردنية . لان في ذلك مصلحة و تقدم و إزدهار لنا جميعا من المحيط الى الخليج
أغلق عيونك لحظة واحدة فقط : تصور نفسك كمواطن عربي يقطن و يتنقل و يعمل بحرية و بدون تصريح عمل في اي بقعة من هذا الوطن رغم انوف ال الهواشم و بقية الصعاليك العرب
إفتح عيونك الان
صح النوم يا عرب.... أسف ارجعوا الى النوم يا عرب
ألإجابة المقتصرة على هذا السؤال طبعا هناك بديل . و بكل صراحة اكثر من بديل عادل و منطقي . فغالبية الشعب تريد تمثيلا حقيقيا في الحياة السياسية. و صوتا مسموعا للمواطن مهما كان أصله و فصله. ففي نهاية المطاف نريد خدمة الوطن و المواطن و ليس بلضروري خدمة أشخاص و عائلات تعد على الاصابع. الوطن يجب ان يكون اكبر من أي شخص بما في ذلك الملك . الوطن يجب أن يكون للعائلة الوطنية الاردنية وليس وطن العائلة الهاشمية فقط
يجب علينا تأسيس برلمان يتكلم بسم الشعب و يتكون من خلال إنتخابات حقيقية غير مزيفة. و ليس دارا للبصم الملكي الهاشمي. لذا يجب إلغاء البرلمان الاردني كما هو متعارف عليه حاليا و البداية من صفحة جديدة . فمجلس الاعيان مثلا يتم تعيين افراده من قيبل الملك و يتكلم بصوت شخص واحد
إقتراحى هو برلمان جديد يتكون من ثلاثة مجالس
مجلس الامة : يتكون من ثلاثة اعضاء لكل محافظة . فمحافظة إربد لها ثلاثة اعضاء, و المفرق ايضا ثلاثة ... الخ . فكل منطقة لها من يمثلها بغض النظر على التعداد السكاني
مجلس الشعب : يتكون بناءً على التعداد السكاني لكل محافظة. على سبيل المثال عضو واحد عن كل مئة الف شخص . فعمان مثلا تزدحم بسكان اكثر من المفرق , لذا يمثلها عدد اكبر من الاصوات في المجلس مقارنة بلمفرق التي يقل عدد سكانها عن عمان
المجلس التشريعي : ايضا إنتخابات القضاة بناءً على تمثيل شامل على نطاق الدولة و ليس على نطاق المحافظات المحلي
رئيس الحكومة : تصويت شامل إما شعبي عام على نطاق الوطن كاملا و إما من قيبل مجلس الامة اولا ثم موافقة مجلس الشعب و اخيرا موافقة المجلس التشريعي
السلطة العسكرية يجب أن تفصل عن السلطات السياسية فلا يحق مثلا للعساكر التدخل في شؤون السياسة. رئيس الحكومة هو القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحة و يجب عليه الحصول على موافقة السلطات السياسية الاخرى في إتخاذ القرارات. فمثلا يجب موافقة الامة و الشعب على شن الحروب و عقد إتفاقيات سلام
فصل سياسة المدن و البلديات المحلية عن السياسة الوطنية العامة . فإنتخاب رئيس بلدية او محافظ مثلا يتم على الإطار المحلي و لا يتعلق بإرشادات من العاصمة و الحكومة الوطنية
رواتب و معاشات جميع أفراد المجالس و الحكومة يجب ان تكون معروفة علنا . و اي محاولة لرفعها يجب أن يتم عبر تصويت شعبي عام في أعوام الانتخابات . و يجب فصل اعمال او بزنس افراد الحكومة عن اعمالهم الحكومية و الا فهو خرق للقانون و يجب محاكمته بأشد العقوبات
لا يحق لزوجات و افراد عائلة رئيس الحكومة و البرلمان التدخل في إصدار القوانيين كما هو الحال مع رانيا زوجة الملك مثلا . فهم ليسو حكومة بل أفراد و مواطنيين كبقية الشعب
هذا هو احد إقتراحاتي كبديل للنظام الهاشمي في الاردن . لكنني افضل بديلا كهذا النمط على الساحة العربية كلها و ليس فقط على الساحة الاردنية . لان في ذلك مصلحة و تقدم و إزدهار لنا جميعا من المحيط الى الخليج
أغلق عيونك لحظة واحدة فقط : تصور نفسك كمواطن عربي يقطن و يتنقل و يعمل بحرية و بدون تصريح عمل في اي بقعة من هذا الوطن رغم انوف ال الهواشم و بقية الصعاليك العرب
إفتح عيونك الان
صح النوم يا عرب.... أسف ارجعوا الى النوم يا عرب
Thursday, December 25, 2008
ألى متى يا مخابارات على هلغزعبلات
المخابرات الأردنية تمنع جمال عيد من دخول الأردن
بسبب انتقاده لأوضاع حرية التعبير في الأردن ..
Jordanian Security Intelligence has bared Egyptian journalist.
"قالت الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان اليوم ، أن المخابرات الأردنية قامت بمنع جمال عيد مدير الشبكة العربية من دخول الأردن مساء أمس الاثنين وقامت باحتجازه ستة ساعات في مطار العاصمة الأردنية ، قبل أن تطرده وتعيده لمطار القاهرة مرة أخرى.
بسبب انتقاده لأوضاع حرية التعبير في الأردن ..
Jordanian Security Intelligence has bared Egyptian journalist.
"قالت الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان اليوم ، أن المخابرات الأردنية قامت بمنع جمال عيد مدير الشبكة العربية من دخول الأردن مساء أمس الاثنين وقامت باحتجازه ستة ساعات في مطار العاصمة الأردنية ، قبل أن تطرده وتعيده لمطار القاهرة مرة أخرى.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Welcoming George Bush with a shoe in Baghdad
George Bush has been welcomed with a shoe in Baghdad , During news conference with the puppet Iraqi prime minister Nouri Al Maleke, Muntazir Az-Zaydi, a journalist from AL Al-Baghdadiyyah satellite TV station ,stood up and threw his pair of shoe at Bush and called him a dog.
After seeing this incident on TV ,one question came to my mind , Where are Kanan Makiya ,Ahmed Chalabi Foud Ajami and Bernard Lewis who promised George Bush and his Cabal that Iraqis will welcome you with sweet and flower?.
After seeing this incident on TV ,one question came to my mind , Where are Kanan Makiya ,Ahmed Chalabi Foud Ajami and Bernard Lewis who promised George Bush and his Cabal that Iraqis will welcome you with sweet and flower?.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
" Israeli woman bitten by a scorpion. However, upon arrival to hospital, the woman reportedly refused to be treated by Jordanian doctors, deeply insul
Is that what we get from Israelis when Jordanian government signed "peace treaty.
Acording to this on line report ,"Jordanian authorities have recently lodged an official complaint with the Israeli Embassy in Amman, citing the way Israeli tourists have been conducting themselves while visiting the Hashemite Kingdom."
Monday, December 8, 2008
Che Guevara of Jordan
This picture was taken from Aljazeera web site.For long time ,I was and still is fascinated and inspired by this man, Dr Yacob Zayadeen. For many Young Jordanians ,Dr Zayadeen is not known, because the media minders(Intelligent Services) in general,was instructed to keep him out of the public eyes and ears and in my opinion, he is not only Che Guevara of Jordan,but a man that has been fighting all of his life to bring about more equitable and just society.
Dr Zayadeen was born in a village near the southern town of Kark to a poor christian family ,his early humble upbringing had solidified and shaped his personality and thinking.
For Dr Zayadeen, and many member of his family and people of his village, poverty and desperation were the mainstay. In an interview with Aljazeera شاهد علي العصر witness to century ,he tells Ahmed Mansur,the very able and brilliant journalist, how his early childhood has made him stronger more resilient.
his struggle with Jordanian regime and his 12 years of incarceration in the most notorious prison in Jordan Al Jafer,has made him more determined to keep his principal unlike many of the men of his early era of activism who abandoned their principal,just to stay away from trouble with the regime in Amman or either,they were given some trivial government jobs to keep quite.
His social and political activism does not end ,he is still practices his medical duty in his clinic in Amman and last time I heard ,he never takes money from poor or disadvantaged.please, if you have any information about Dr Zayadeen, please forward it to my comment section, your information is so valuable to me and thank you!
Dr Zayadeen was born in a village near the southern town of Kark to a poor christian family ,his early humble upbringing had solidified and shaped his personality and thinking.
For Dr Zayadeen, and many member of his family and people of his village, poverty and desperation were the mainstay. In an interview with Aljazeera شاهد علي العصر witness to century ,he tells Ahmed Mansur,the very able and brilliant journalist, how his early childhood has made him stronger more resilient.
his struggle with Jordanian regime and his 12 years of incarceration in the most notorious prison in Jordan Al Jafer,has made him more determined to keep his principal unlike many of the men of his early era of activism who abandoned their principal,just to stay away from trouble with the regime in Amman or either,they were given some trivial government jobs to keep quite.
His social and political activism does not end ,he is still practices his medical duty in his clinic in Amman and last time I heard ,he never takes money from poor or disadvantaged.please, if you have any information about Dr Zayadeen, please forward it to my comment section, your information is so valuable to me and thank you!
Friday, December 5, 2008
"Jordan's King and Queen. An "inside" view of the couple (she/he does not want to be quoted):"
An email was sent to this blogger and I thought I should share it with my readers about Jordan's king and his wife queen Rania "An "inside" view of the couple (she/he does not want to be quoted):
"His wife is more intelligent and better educated, and that is probably why he leaves some of the heavy lifting to her. However, her work experience upon graduating from the American University in Cairo but prior to marrying Prince Trekkie consisted of being a teller for Citibank and an administrative assistant to a man who owned an Apple Computer dealership in Jordan. All told, she has only a couple years' legitimate work experience--and only at a very junior level--and this has now qualified her to claim executive-level financial services and IT experience, serve on the boards of NGOs such as FINCA, mingle with real movers and shakers at Davos and Sun Valley, lecture us all on YouTube, and solicit for various international awards that make her feel like the superstar she wishes she really were. I know a woman who worked with her at Citibank, in a more senior capacity to her. This was back when now Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Suhair al-Ali was the top executive at Citibank in Jordan. The woman I know told me Queen YouTube routinely snubbed their morning greetings to her and that she was a snob even before she married into the royal family. One can only imagine how full of herself she is now. You may have noticed that there are very few photographs of the queen from her days as a single gal. Perhaps it's because she wasn't born looking as she does now. She was average looking, with a large nose, frizzy hair, and a heavier physique. It takes stringent dieting, oodles of plastic surgery and medical procedures, and hours and hours with designers and stylists to create the effect. As you have outed her, she retains western PR firms to keep her image polished and to solicit all those awards, win those online "most beautiful" polls at Hello, and keep real news of what happens under her family's rule in Jordan tamped down. It is even rumored that the Jordanian Royal Family took over this site () several years ago, after it began veering toward the political by some of the more informed members, so that they could use it as a propaganda tool and silence their critics. Rumor has it that the members who go by the screen names Veram98 and Shelley are actually Queen YouTube and Princess Sarvath, respectively. Have a look at it and see what you think. To me, it seems there may be some merit to the rumors. Those two are much too informed, the moderators of the Jordanian section of the forum seem to have the inside track and to clamp down on any hint of criticism of the family (test it if you wish!), while the rest of the forum is more like the usual Internet free for all. Have you heard much about the mental illnesses within the family? This is so rarely written about among the current generation, but it is widely known that the late King Hussein's father had to abdicate after just a year as king due to what was then called schizophrenia but is now believed to have been bipolar disorder. Also, King Talal was married to a first cousin, making for a risky genetic stew. It is widely known that his eldest son, Prince Muhammad, was too mentally ill to become king, and so it fell to the late King Hussein. I've also been told by somewhat credible sources that Queen Noor had her husband and biological children on antidepressants (the latter from a very young age); that Prince Hassan suffers from untreated depression, cries easily and often, and cannot hold his liquor; that Princess Sarvath has both an untreated bipolar disorder (her mother had it) and suffers from a personality disorder that causes her to lash out sometimes physically at others (which partially explains her unpopularity); that King Playstation is a compulsive gambler; and that Queen YouTube battles anorexia, sometimes living for days at a time on apples alone. I know it is taboo to address these things in the Arab world, but I suspect the mental illnesses within the family account for a good deal of what we see that looks so "off." There are just so many inconsistencies, hypocrisies, and excesses in this family. You may blog about some of these things if you wish, but please, please disguise my writing and maintain my confidentiality." "
"His wife is more intelligent and better educated, and that is probably why he leaves some of the heavy lifting to her. However, her work experience upon graduating from the American University in Cairo but prior to marrying Prince Trekkie consisted of being a teller for Citibank and an administrative assistant to a man who owned an Apple Computer dealership in Jordan. All told, she has only a couple years' legitimate work experience--and only at a very junior level--and this has now qualified her to claim executive-level financial services and IT experience, serve on the boards of NGOs such as FINCA, mingle with real movers and shakers at Davos and Sun Valley, lecture us all on YouTube, and solicit for various international awards that make her feel like the superstar she wishes she really were. I know a woman who worked with her at Citibank, in a more senior capacity to her. This was back when now Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Suhair al-Ali was the top executive at Citibank in Jordan. The woman I know told me Queen YouTube routinely snubbed their morning greetings to her and that she was a snob even before she married into the royal family. One can only imagine how full of herself she is now. You may have noticed that there are very few photographs of the queen from her days as a single gal. Perhaps it's because she wasn't born looking as she does now. She was average looking, with a large nose, frizzy hair, and a heavier physique. It takes stringent dieting, oodles of plastic surgery and medical procedures, and hours and hours with designers and stylists to create the effect. As you have outed her, she retains western PR firms to keep her image polished and to solicit all those awards, win those online "most beautiful" polls at Hello, and keep real news of what happens under her family's rule in Jordan tamped down. It is even rumored that the Jordanian Royal Family took over this site () several years ago, after it began veering toward the political by some of the more informed members, so that they could use it as a propaganda tool and silence their critics. Rumor has it that the members who go by the screen names Veram98 and Shelley are actually Queen YouTube and Princess Sarvath, respectively. Have a look at it and see what you think. To me, it seems there may be some merit to the rumors. Those two are much too informed, the moderators of the Jordanian section of the forum seem to have the inside track and to clamp down on any hint of criticism of the family (test it if you wish!), while the rest of the forum is more like the usual Internet free for all. Have you heard much about the mental illnesses within the family? This is so rarely written about among the current generation, but it is widely known that the late King Hussein's father had to abdicate after just a year as king due to what was then called schizophrenia but is now believed to have been bipolar disorder. Also, King Talal was married to a first cousin, making for a risky genetic stew. It is widely known that his eldest son, Prince Muhammad, was too mentally ill to become king, and so it fell to the late King Hussein. I've also been told by somewhat credible sources that Queen Noor had her husband and biological children on antidepressants (the latter from a very young age); that Prince Hassan suffers from untreated depression, cries easily and often, and cannot hold his liquor; that Princess Sarvath has both an untreated bipolar disorder (her mother had it) and suffers from a personality disorder that causes her to lash out sometimes physically at others (which partially explains her unpopularity); that King Playstation is a compulsive gambler; and that Queen YouTube battles anorexia, sometimes living for days at a time on apples alone. I know it is taboo to address these things in the Arab world, but I suspect the mental illnesses within the family account for a good deal of what we see that looks so "off." There are just so many inconsistencies, hypocrisies, and excesses in this family. You may blog about some of these things if you wish, but please, please disguise my writing and maintain my confidentiality." "
روح مع القلعه
نظام النصب والأحتيل الرأسمالي بداء يترنح وها هوا يسقط أمام أعيُننا، الشركات العملاقه مثل جنرل موتورز وكريسلر والتان كانتا مفخره مطبلين ورقاصين نضام السوق الحر دهبو الي العم سام ليتسولُ ،يا حلاوة هاي أحلا الاخبار، يا أيها المطبلين ورقاصين الخصخصه في العالم العربي ما هوا تبريركم الأن؟ ماهي الااكذيب التي سوف تستعملونها لتمريرمشاريعكم الاقتصادية العقيمه؟؟
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
"Naomi Klein on the Bailout Profiteers and the Multi-Trillion-Dollar Crime Scene"
if you want to understand of what's happening to American economy just listen to this episode of Democracy Now
Sunday, October 5, 2008
أين ذهبوا نشامه "الاقتصاد الحر" ومروجين الرأسماليه في الاردن؟؟
أين ذهبوا نشامه "الاقتصاد الحر" ومروجين الرأسماليه في الاردن؟؟،ماذا سيقولون اليوم عن أنهيار الموئساسات الماليه في أكبر دول العالم كل الولايات المتحده التي روجت ودفعت الكثير من دول العالم(طبعا تحت التهديد والوعيد لمن لا يتجاوب ويتبني نضام راسمالي ونظريه السوق "الحر") كما لقبوه ، ماذا حصل لنظريتكم العقيمه يا أيها المشعودون؟؟؟أسئله أطرح عليكم يا خبراء السوق"الحر" ومنهم الملك عبدالله وخبيره الاقتصادي باسم عوض لله؟ والله يعوض عليكم ؟؟
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What happened to Arab Masses?Are they still protesting the Danish cartons
Buy now ,we are sure that Arab governments are lost case when it comes to support the Palestinian people, but the question is where are the Arab masses and where is the outrage to what what is happening to our brothers and sister in Gaza and the continuous military onslaught of the civilian population ,I guess they are busy protesting the pathetic Danish cartons ,where are we and what the hell we are doing to put pressure on "our" government to do anything or something to stop this crime against humanity ,wake up people because your turn is next ,and if we keep silent and tranquilized and pretend it is not "our" problem then I think we are not only tranquilised but insane and have no consciousness what so ever.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
الحزب الشيوعي الأردني: وفاة عياديّة بعد 40 عاماً من الوفاة السياسيّة
مقال تحليلي من قلم الرفيق ناهض حتر عن تاريخ الحزب الشيوعي الاردني في جريده الاخبار البنانيه
يقول الكاتب ناهض حتر
يقول الكاتب ناهض حتر
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
From AlQuds Alarabi"اتهامات متبادلة بين الموالاة والمعارضة بالتدريب العسكري في البقاع والاردن "
It seems the Jordanian Mukabarat is in the middle of accusation by some Lebanese factions that allegedly accuse the Jordanian intelligence of harboring and training some of Saad Mini Hariri thugs who are supported and financed by the Royal Family in Saudi Arabia.Link
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Iam really proud of the people of Berkeley
Click to enlarge
Today code pink headed by it's founder Media Benjamin have energized the city and it's people to come out and protest the U.S. Marine Recruiting Station on Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley ,California.
Today,I went to protest and stood by the people of good will that want to make change and alter the American foreign policy in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan,here some picture I took while protesting.
Today code pink headed by it's founder Media Benjamin have energized the city and it's people to come out and protest the U.S. Marine Recruiting Station on Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley ,California.
Today,I went to protest and stood by the people of good will that want to make change and alter the American foreign policy in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan,here some picture I took while protesting.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Are Jordanian racist?
Today,I was reading Jordanian blogger Toloy's Box writing about her African or black friend when he or she was visiting Jordan ,Toloy writes "My friend told me he had never been so conscious of his skin color, of being “black,” as much as when he was in Jordan. He told me stories about random guys calling him “Abu Samra” and laughing, about people’s insistence that he was not from the U.S.A but from somewhere else “originally.” No really, originally, where are you from? — that’s what they used to ask him"
My opinion ,we are racist to the core toward any body that does not resemble white or light skin person or any body is not from Jordan or "real" Jordanian (الاردني القح)
as Jordanian always refer to as to who is real Jordanian and who is not,and i hear that so many times when "real" Jordanians descuss the Palestinians presence on jordan's soil as a Balgekee or intruders (دخيل او دوخلاء).
When we descuss African American or "brown"skin people we always call them and describe them as عبد أو عبيد which literally means in Arabic slave or slaves and I found this description , derogatory and most racist word to describe ,refer and pontificate about black people.
What do you think?, give me your intput and be honest about it.
My opinion ,we are racist to the core toward any body that does not resemble white or light skin person or any body is not from Jordan or "real" Jordanian (الاردني القح)
as Jordanian always refer to as to who is real Jordanian and who is not,and i hear that so many times when "real" Jordanians descuss the Palestinians presence on jordan's soil as a Balgekee or intruders (دخيل او دوخلاء).
When we descuss African American or "brown"skin people we always call them and describe them as عبد أو عبيد which literally means in Arabic slave or slaves and I found this description , derogatory and most racist word to describe ,refer and pontificate about black people.
What do you think?, give me your intput and be honest about it.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
ألي متي هذه الجرائم ستستمر يا أردنيين؟؟
متي سنوقف هذه الجرائم المشينه والمخزيه ضذ هؤلاء "الخدامين والخدامات" الذين تائتونا بهم من ابعد أصقاع لارض حتي يمسحوا وينظفوا ورالكم ووراء أطفالكم الدلوعين، تجلبون هؤلاء الخدم من دول أسيا وأفريقيا حتي ست البيت تروح تصفف شعرهاأو تقلم أضفرها والخدامه في البيت ملتعن التميس تبعها وبتحرث ليل ونهارحتي تخلي البيت حاهز لظيوفكوا أخر النهار بطعموها قتله لأنها لم تنظف الارض والسجاد العجمي ،بتشغلوها من السادسه صباحأ الي نص الليل وبعد هذا العذاب طول النهار بتنيموها في غرفه المغسله ،يا للخزي والعار وين راح شرفكم وين راحت أنسانيتكم هذا طبعأ أذا كان عندكم أنسانيه
أخر مقال نزل علي BBC
أخر مقال نزل علي BBC
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Exploiting "foreign" workers in Jordan
For several years now ,we have witnessed mass exploitation of foreign workers in 100 garmet factories in Jordan,according to an American labor group; slave labor is being practiced by garment factories east of the capital Amman.
Charles Kernaghan, heads National Labor Committee who visited Jordan to investigate abuses of foreign workers told the Herald Tribune," he was shocked by what he discovered in Jordan.and according to Kernaghan,"You have people working 48 hours straight. You have workers who were stripped of their passports, who don't have ID cards that allow them to go out on the street. If they're stopped, they can be imprisoned or deported, so they're trapped, often held under conditions of involuntary servitude."
Workers in those factories are reporting horror stories about their working condition ,workers are forced to work 48 hours non stop and without paying them overtime . their living condition is not better either 10 to 20 people are forced toi live in one room
The companies that are involved in the abuse are Saidan, Al Nahat, Panorama, Nash, Al Sharaf, Peace Gates, and Al Jabiri, and that the new employers are Classic Fashion, EAM Maliban, Mediterranean Resources, Advanced Technology, El Zay, Jordan Sun, and Jordache.
أهلآ وسهلآ بكم في نضام العولمه والسوق "الحر" الجديد،،تمتعوا يا أيها الاردنيون ويا فرحتي عليكم...
Charles Kernaghan, heads National Labor Committee who visited Jordan to investigate abuses of foreign workers told the Herald Tribune," he was shocked by what he discovered in Jordan.and according to Kernaghan,"You have people working 48 hours straight. You have workers who were stripped of their passports, who don't have ID cards that allow them to go out on the street. If they're stopped, they can be imprisoned or deported, so they're trapped, often held under conditions of involuntary servitude."
Workers in those factories are reporting horror stories about their working condition ,workers are forced to work 48 hours non stop and without paying them overtime . their living condition is not better either 10 to 20 people are forced toi live in one room
The companies that are involved in the abuse are Saidan, Al Nahat, Panorama, Nash, Al Sharaf, Peace Gates, and Al Jabiri, and that the new employers are Classic Fashion, EAM Maliban, Mediterranean Resources, Advanced Technology, El Zay, Jordan Sun, and Jordache.
أهلآ وسهلآ بكم في نضام العولمه والسوق "الحر" الجديد،،تمتعوا يا أيها الاردنيون ويا فرحتي عليكم...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The third picture shows the Pro Israeli crowds,you can count them with you fingers
Friday, January 25, 2008
These are some of the picture I took today, in front of the Israeli Consulate in Down Town San Francisco
object width="249" height="203">
Thursday, January 24, 2008
To my readers in San Francisco bay area.
To my readers and the people of good well,tommorow,Friday,jan,25 activist around the bay Area will gather in front of the Israel Consulate 456 Montgomery St
San Francisco, at 4 pm to protest the on going Israelis genocidal policies in Gaza and the West Bank,all people are invited,make sure you bring Umbrellas and wear warm clothes because the forecast is calling for heavy rain and low temp.
Watch this video before you come to this important protest,Would you be able to live like this?
San Francisco, at 4 pm to protest the on going Israelis genocidal policies in Gaza and the West Bank,all people are invited,make sure you bring Umbrellas and wear warm clothes because the forecast is calling for heavy rain and low temp.
Watch this video before you come to this important protest,Would you be able to live like this?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Why the world is silence about what is happening in Gaza
The Zionist occupation army in Gaza is committing war crime and it seems that crimes they committed in the past were not enough,because US the Arab government allowed them and sometimes encourage them to continue to commit more war crimes....
Now ,it should be clear to any human being that the Zionist racist government with the help of United States ,EU,UN and Arab governments including Jordanian government, never was interested in any meaningful negotiations to end the conflict and give back of what they have stolen.
I call on all Jordanian bloggers to pay more attention to what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and their struggle for justice and freedom.
The Palestinian struggle for justice is our struggle for Justice and freedom,we must ex cert all kind of pressure on "our" government to end the so called peace treaty(I call it surrender Treaty) with this criminal racist regime ,you don't reward criminals by normalising relation with them,you seek justice by using all kind of pressure whether political by cutting all diplomatic relation or economical ,by boycoting and banning Israeli products to come to our market.
I totally blame the Arab government for this ,and mst all of them have collaborated with US and Israeli racist governments to destroy the will of the Palestinian people to continue to struggle for justice and peace in their land,this war is not only against the Palestinians s but against anybody that confronts occupation and imperialism and domination anywhere ......
END the Zionist Occupation in Palestine and the American Occupation of Iraq NOW
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
الي كل العرب المتصهينين،مقال راح يعجبكوا كثير يا أيها المزيفين والمنبطحين والمهرولين لحنين الاستشراق الإسرائيلي والغربي
ما هذا الافتتان العربي بالاستشراق الإسرائيلي؟ ولماذا هذا الإفراط في متابعة كل ما يصدر عن الصحافة الإسرائيلية حتى وإن كان تثاؤباً؟ ولماذا هذا الإجلال لكل ما يبدرُ عبريّاً؟ لا يكتمل التحليل في عالمنا العربي ولا يستقيم التنظير ما لم يقترن باستشهاد ـــــ لا فائدة منه غالباً ـــــ لمعلّق أو أكاديمي إسرائيلي، وإن أتى خارج السياق تماماً. ذهبنا بعيداً في دراسة العدو حتى بتنا نصدّق عن غير وعي ما يقوله العدو عن نفسه. هل الحكمة كامنة بالعبرية مطلقاً؟
الي كل العرب المتصهينين،مقال راح يعجبكوا كثير يا أيها المزيفين والمنبطحين والمهرولين لحنين الاستشراق الإسرائيلي والغربي أقراءأيها العربي والعربيه المتاولعين بل الاستشراق الصهيوني الاستعماري والغربي القديم الجديد،طبعأ اذاكنتوا تعرفوا قراءه اللغه العربيه
الي كل العرب المتصهينين،مقال راح يعجبكوا كثير يا أيها المزيفين والمنبطحين والمهرولين لحنين الاستشراق الإسرائيلي والغربي أقراءأيها العربي والعربيه المتاولعين بل الاستشراق الصهيوني الاستعماري والغربي القديم الجديد،طبعأ اذاكنتوا تعرفوا قراءه اللغه العربيه
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Globalization: New Rulers of The World (Part 2)
Does investment and wealth create prosperity?
Michael Parenti's speech ,wealth creates poverty.
The second part of parenti's speech
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
من أروع المقالات ألتي قرأتها من قلم الاستاذأسعد أبو خليل عن الديموقراطيّة
it's must read for people who always pontificate about democracy and I think it 's one of his best article, at least in my opinion and I like to post on my blog to whom it may concern استحالة الديموقراطيّة The Impossibility of Democracy
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