Monday, December 8, 2008

Che Guevara of Jordan

This picture was taken from Aljazeera web site.For long time ,I was and still is fascinated and inspired by this man, Dr Yacob Zayadeen. For many Young Jordanians ,Dr Zayadeen is not known, because the media minders(Intelligent Services) in general,was instructed to keep him out of the public eyes and ears and in my opinion, he is not only Che Guevara of Jordan,but a man that has been fighting all of his life to bring about more equitable and just society.
Dr Zayadeen was born in a village near the southern town of Kark to a poor christian family ,his early humble upbringing had solidified and shaped his personality and thinking.
For Dr Zayadeen, and many member of his family and people of his village, poverty and desperation were the mainstay. In an interview with Aljazeera شاهد علي العصر witness to century ,he tells Ahmed Mansur,the very able and brilliant journalist, how his early childhood has made him stronger more resilient.
his struggle with Jordanian regime and his 12 years of incarceration in the most notorious prison in Jordan Al Jafer,has made him more determined to keep his principal unlike many of the men of his early era of activism who abandoned their principal,just to stay away from trouble with the regime in Amman or either,they were given some trivial government jobs to keep quite.
His social and political activism does not end ,he is still practices his medical duty in his clinic in Amman and last time I heard ,he never takes money from poor or disadvantaged.please, if you have any information about Dr Zayadeen, please forward it to my comment section, your information is so valuable to me and thank you!

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