For the last 3 years ,I have been watching , examining , reading and some times commenting on what Jordanian bloggers write on their blogs ;for most parts,their posts and pontifications have no value whatsoever in our daily realty,their shallowness and sometime racist and ignorant thinking about the issue at hand is extreme at best.
Most of them are located in West Amman neighborhood which is an affluent district that only the rich families can afford to live in and most of them are kind of hashmi,hashmi blind Supporters that when you utter a word about the corruption of the regime,they either attack you personally or try to change the subject and make it irrelevant.
The best example for their shallowness and empty talk just go and navigate the Jordanian blogersphers and you will discover what Iam talking about ,it's just out right pathetic ,disgusting and shameful at best.