Sunday, February 27, 2011

لماذا أنا ضد قيام نظام ملكي دستوري في الأردن

'الملك لله والحكم للشعب'
لا للذين ينادون بلملكية الدستورية ، يجب قلب وخلع كل هذة الأنظمة عن بكرة أبيه دون أستثناء ، الشعوب تعرف ما تريد وما المطلوب منها لصنع أنظمة ترتكز علي العدالة الاجتماعية والسياسية، لا يمكن بناء نظام سياسي عادل في ظل مماليك وسلااطين أكلوا الأخضر واليابس، الثورة تعني شيئ واحد ، الشعب هوا الوحيد من يقرر النوع والصنف والون والاتجاه لي أي نظام سياسي

Friday, February 25, 2011

التغير لكل الانظمة العربيه دون أستثناء قادم قادم قادم

قلتها من قبل وسأقولها الآن ، التغير لكل الانظمة العربيه دون أستثناء قادم قادم قادم شئتُ أو أبيتُ يا أيها السلااطين والعروش لن يكون لكم أي دور في هذا العالم العربي، لقد حاولتوا المستحيل لتمزيق هذة الدويلات التي حكمتموها الي طوائف حتي يتسنّى لكم في الجلوس علي العروش المزيفة، يا أيها العروش المزيفة حان وقت رحيلكم عن ديارنا ،ىولكن قبل الرحيل أفرغوا جيوبكم الممتلئ من الأموال التي سرقتموها من شعوبكم

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

من سيربح المرتبة الثالثة في خلع الزعماء العرب

عتقد أن الشعب اليبي سوف يربح المرتبة الثالثة في مسابقة خلع لزعماء العرب

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

عصر الثورات في العالم العربي

بدائت في تونس الخضراء ومصر أم الدنيا وها هي تمر في كل أنحاء العالم العربي ، اليمن ، الأردن ، البحرين ، ليبيا، الجزائر يتنافسون علي من هوا الذي سيحصل ويربح المرتبة الثلاثه في خلع روئاسائه

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

الأردن نمودجاً

الدويلات الهزيلة والمهترئه التي أصطنعنت من قبل الغرب المستعمر لن ولم يكن لها أي مكانة سياسية أو أقتصادية في هذا العالم، لاأنها في الأصل تابعة ومهرولة وراء الغرب المستعمر الذي عبرا السنين قداها الى مصير محتوم الا وهوا الخنوع والسجود أمام الرجل الأبيص

Friday, February 11, 2011

الشعب المصري الحر

أولاً يتجاهلوك , بعد ذلك يسخرون منك , بعد ذلك يحاربوك , بعد ذلك تنتصر

شعب المصري الحر أنا بحبك يا شعب مصر الحر ، لقد صنعت تاريخك بسواعد الشباب والشابات الذين قدموا الغالي والنفيس
الف مبروك الف مبروك لكم يا حبايبي

Thursday, February 10, 2011

لا تصدق أوباما

حكومات العروش الرجعية تطالب حكومة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بدعم الدكتاتور والسفاح حسني
ما تقوله الأدارة الأمريكية في العلن هوا عكس ما يقولنه في الغرف المغلقة الي السفاح حسني، مصالح العروش العربية والنظام الصهيوني وحكومة باراك أوباما الرجعية تكمن في الحفاط على بقاء العروش واستمرار معاهدة الاستسلام والهوان بين العروش والنظام الصهيوني المغتصب

Just comparing between Al Jazeera and Al Arabia

Al Jazeera has been coving the Egyptian revolution 24 hours and Al Arabia is talking about the smoking habit of Barak Obama, I leave to you to judge.

The Zionist are crying over the overthrow of their agent Huseny

I said before and I will say it again , the revolution will spread all over my Arab land to sweep all the agents and cronies from our homeland VIVA the revolution of the people of Egypt

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Picture of the Egyptian revolution in Tahrir Square

watch the revolution in Egypt through it's lenses

الى ملك الاردن ... هل وصلتك الرسالة بعد تمزيق صورك في الجنوب

Letter to King Abdullah II
"The dictators and their influential wives: Ben Ali, Leila, Abdullah II and Rania

January 18, 2011

HM King Abdullah II

The Royal Court

Amman, Jordan

Your Majesty

Are you ready? Have you been taking good notes from what just happened to Tunisia’s dictator Ben Ali? You better….Time is definitely not on your side! Given your regime’s tragic human rights record, tyranny and exponential levels of corruption, it seems that you will be next in line! Jordanians are very tired of your absolute monarchy, corrupt and unelected governments, and cruel Darak (gendarmerie) police that have been oppressing and terrorizing the people of Jordan over the past eleven years. On Friday, January 14, 2011, several demonstrators destroyed your portraits in the City of Sabha in the Northern Bedouin region. Are you getting it

Your regime has failed to adhere to international treaties including international human rights conventions and accords. Also, since coming to power in 1999, you have failed to deliver on initial pledges to promote democracy and the rule of law. Your rule has become increasingly authoritarian. No serious political opposition is permitted to form. The judiciary is manipulated by you and your appointed government, and no independent judges are allowed to operate. The press and broadcast media are tightly controlled, and the authorities make vigorous efforts to restrict internet communications and limit access to websites with independent news about Jordan. For years the human rights community in Jordan has been under sustained pressure from the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate (Al-Mukhabrat) and other state agents, who have thwarted the legitimate activities of reformers and have violently attacked and intimidated these individuals and members of their families

In light of these facts and the genuine changes that are taking place in the world, we strongly urge you to adopt critical and overdue reforms immediately. The dividends of these reforms will be shared as they positively affect the daily lives of all peoples of this important region and beyond. We specifically urge you to pay very close attention to the following before it is too late

State of democracy and political reforms: Need critical constitutional amendments to elect a representative government and reserve a symbolic political status of the Hashemite family

Freedom of expression and freedom of assembly: Need fair and impartial parliament and senate elections and press/media reforms

The under representation and absence of Jordanians from Palestinian origin in the government, parliament, senate, armed and security forces, and the decision making process circles must be addressed immediately

Poverty, unemployment, and ongoing massive corruption (According to a very recent scientific poll conducted in Jordan, 64.7 per cent of respondents from the national sample believe that corruption is rampant within the public sector, and 52.1 per cent said it was more widespread in the private sector): Need clear and serious strategies to fight each major problem. We need to connect the money laundering issue with corruption and acute deterioration in the Jordanian standard of living. Our people can no longer afford to live in their country. Foreign “dirty monies” from neighboring countries and elsewhere are destroying the economic base of our people. Jordanians are competing with foreign nationals on very limited resources: Basic services and real estate. Appropriation of state land to you and members of your family must be returned immediately. You and members of the royal family must disclose your business expenses and personal wealth. Stop the unconstitutional influence of Queen Rania in the state’s decision making process

Current policy on issue of Palestinian settlement in Jordan and disengagement with the West Bank. There should be an unequivocally clear position on these issues by the elected government. This government should immediately tackle this issue with clear policy and constant enforcement; and links with terrorism to the above….the absence of the aforementioned strategic dimensions would worsen the current state of affairs and keep generating more terrorists and security problems in the country, the region and beyond

We look forward to an engaging, speedy and genuine national dialogue. Our home country need it today and we can’t afford any delays in developing and implementing these much needed and critical political, economic and social reforms. Don’t drag your feet in this and no more false excuses


Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Mualla

Secretary of Foreign Affairs
The Jordan National Movement

Delegation of the European Union to Jordan

U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan

French Embassy, Amman, Jordan

Embassy of Britain, Amman, Jordan

Embassy of Japan, Amman, Jordan

Embassy of Russia, Amman, Jordan

Embassy of China, Amman, Jordan

Canadian Embassy, Amman, Jordan

Human Rights Watch, New York, U.S.A
Human Rights First, Washington, D.C
Amnesty International, United Kingdom

Freedom House, Washington, D.C
U.S. Dept. of State, Jordan Desk

U.S. Senate, Foreign Affairs Committee

U.S. House of Representatives, International Relations & Appropriation Committees

The International Federation of Journalists, Brussels, Belgium

European Federation of Journalists, Brussels, Belgium

Committee to Protect Journalists, New York

European and U.S. Press, Jordan and Arab Press, & International Press"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What the tribal leaders in Jordan are saying

"MAFRAQ, Jordan — The tribal elders sat in their gowns and keffiyehs, fingering worry beads and smoking cigarettes, an immense woven image of King Abdullah II on a wall above their heads.

Egypt Officials Seek to Nudge Mubarak Out (February 5, 2011)
‘Day of Rage’ for Syrians Fails to Draw Protesters (February 5, 2011)
Munich Conference Focuses on Middle East (February 5, 2011)
Discontented Within Egypt Face Power of Old Elites (February 5, 2011)
Palestinian Premier Sees 'Positive Change' in Unrest (February 5, 2011)
Crisis in Egypt Tests U.S. Ties With Israel (February 5, 2011)

The conversation, at a private home by request, was about politics. What did these Bedouins of the Zubeidi clan, a backbone of Jordan’s monarchy, think about the current instability in light of events in Egypt and Tunisia?

The answers began as scripted recitals: “We have absolute loyalty to the Hashemites,” referring to the royal family; “We will never allow instability”; “No Jordanian will ever negotiate against this regime.” But once lunch appeared — huge platters of rice and lamb, eaten by hand, standing — everything changed.

“We are living a big lie,” one sheik whispered. “This king is hopeless,” said another. “The security police called us up and told us not to meet with you,” said a third. “But we have tongues and we will speak.”

Buffeted by the forces at play across the region — rising prices, a bulging underemployed youth population, the rapid spread of information and resentment, an unaccountable autocracy — Jordan is on edge. All eyes are on the king, to see if he will carry out the reforms promised this week when he fired his cabinet, and whether such steps will in any case be enough to calm the rising tide of frustration.

What is most striking right now in Jordan is that the very system of the monarchy seems open to question. This is partly because of what is happening elsewhere in the region, but also because of growing discontent with King Abdullah and his wife, Queen Rania.

King Abdullah’s father, King Hussein, who ruled for 46 years, enjoyed near adoration by his people.

“The king and queen are under severe attack, which used to be completely taboo,” said Labib Kamhawi, a political analyst and human rights advocate. “I don’t see imminent danger here like in Egypt and Tunisia. But all the symptoms are there.”

The reason few expect any sudden widespread revolt is that the concerns and complaints of the different constituents are not only distinct, they are often contradictory. The monarchy therefore faces little risk of opponents coalescing into the kind of movements seen in Tunisia and Egypt.

In addition, the king maintains his distance from the complaints by allowing blame to fall on government ministers, whom he replaces at will.

For weeks several thousand demonstrators turned out on Fridays, calling for a new prime minister. After one was appointed this week, rally organizers were divided on how to respond. Some thought he should be given a chance.

Friday’s demonstrations included only several hundred people, mostly followers of the Muslim Brotherhood, who turned out in pouring rain.

The country’s main constituencies are the so-called East Bankers or tribes, and the Palestinians who constitute a majority of the nation’s six million people. East Bankers, the country’s original inhabitants, dominate the civil service, especially the security forces, while the Palestinians rule in the private sector.

Economic reform to bring Jordan in line with the global marketplace has tended to benefit the Palestinians, while the East Bankers — the core of the monarchy’s support — rely on the government payroll.

Last year, 82 percent of the government’s budget went to civil service salaries and military pensions, meaning that the room to maneuver to increase such payments is negligible. But that is what the tribes have been demanding, along with promises that the Palestinian population not be permitted to grow.

Last month, to calm the tribes, King Abdullah promised tens of millions of dollars that he did not have to improve their situations.

Meanwhile, the king and the new prime minister, Marouf al-Bakhit, have been casting a wide net, talking with Islamists, teachers’ unions and leftists and promising accountability. The election law, they say, will be fairer, the public gatherings law will abolish the requirement for prior permission, and the fight against corruption will get serious.

In a palace statement on Thursday, the king acknowledged that previous efforts at reform had “stumbled.” Some seemed pleased with the promises and said that King Abdullah was acting in time to save Jordan and himself. Others say he is simply picking low-hanging fruit and say the moves are superficial.

Much of the anger against the king and his wife focus on accusations of extravagant lifestyles and tolerance of corruption."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

وراء الشمس فلم وثائقي يعرض التعديب في سجون السفاح حسني

Meet Asmaa Mahfouz and the vlog that Helped Spark the Revolution

From Angry Arab , I agree with him !

"The Trial of Mubarak
All those who support the struggle of the Egyptian people should not insist on the end of the Mubarak regime (not only his resignation) and on the trial of Mubarak and Sulayman and the rest of the criminal ruling elite of Egypt."

أناديكم .. أشد على أياديكم


أشد على أياديكم..

أبوس الأرض تحت نعالكم

وأقول: أفديكم

وأهديكم ضيا عيني

ودفء القلب أعطيكم

فمأساتي التي أحيا

نصيبي من مآسيكم.


أشد على أياديكم..

أنا ما هنت في وطني ولا صغرت أكتافي

وقفت بوجه ظلامي

يتيما، عاريا، حافي

حملت دمي على كفي

وما نكست أعلامي

وصنت العشب الأخضر فوق قبور أسلافي

أناديكم... أشد على أياديكم!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

هنيئاً للمنتفضين، وتباً للمركوبين!

هنيئاً للمنتفضين، وتباً للمركوبين!

محمد حسنى مبارك كومبارس فى فيلم لكمال الشـناوى

حسني نمودج عن الزعماء العرب ، عندي أقتراح بعد التخلص من هؤلاء الزعمات العربية الكرتونية بتوظيفهم زبالين في شوارع القاهرة المحررة