بعد الاعتداء على أسطول الحريه في المياه الدوليه وأعتقال على من متنها.. القراصنه الجدد يسرقون الأموال، والتلفونات، الجواله ، الكميرات ، معدات كهربائيه، حتى بعض القراصنه سرقوا كروت الأتمان من المتضامنين The new pirates of the Mediterranean after they committed their massacre the y stole money , cell phones, camera and electronic devices and some Israeli pirates they stole credit cards . source HAARETZ
In June 8, 1967, the US liberty, an American intelligent ship that was stationed off the coast of Al Araish, was attacked by the Israeli air force and navy and as a result 34 sailors were killed and 172 were injured and here is the story of the sailors who were on the ship that day.